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Selasa, 09 November 2010

JOGJAKARTA DALAM DUKA (dedicated to : Merapi Refugees & Volunteer)

Not a little grief experienced by the citizens of Yogyakarta and Central Java. Since the first eruption of Merapi date October 26 and until recently not a few residents who still feel anxious about his fate. This day in Jogjakarta earthquake measuring 5.6 magnitude occurred quite shocking residents.

The presence of Merapi Ring Information Network site ( as one of the online media that is needed for the volunteers, the officers concerned in the situation 'emergency' or for anyone who needs information about Merapi quickly and adequately, yet to be disturbed by the existence of "flooding" to the server site. It is an act that can not be tolerated anymore for the perpetrators.

DIY and Central Java residents do not require a troubling issues, the shows that frighten or even 'radio jamming' to 'server flooding' --- but rather the solution to emergency situations that are now reaching toward social disaster, namely overflow of the number of refugees up to hundreds of thousands of lives. Where are you going back thousands of these displaced people will rely apart from helping, volunteers and generous helping hand? Government also did not remain silent. Whether local, regional, until center is already fitting together to find solutions to thousands of displaced people and think about how to reconstruct this beloved Jogja & Central Java. There must be no areas that could be called the "Silent Hill" again.

All this must be passed --- with our steadfastness, with our cooperation and at least with our prostration to his Maker --- to cleanse the mind, clean up together towards the creation of Mother Earth better in the future and again capable of being "Lighthouse" world.

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